Wednesday, August 17, 2005


dalam keraguan dan kebimbangan
ku mencoba melangkah
ku coba meraba hati dan kalbu

dalam keangkuhan dan kemarahan
ku mencoba berdiri
ku coba merengkuh cinta

dalam kebimbangan hati
ku raih asa hati
ku rasa cinta mati

is it "too much"?

is it "too much" if i got a hope for abetter life??
is it "too much" if i want you by my side?
is it "too much" if i got a dream having a future with u?
is it "too much" if i want "somebody" by my side?
is it "too much" if i want happiness?
is it "too much" if i dream about u?
is it "too much" if i hope you have love for me?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

love u lil angel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lil angel..
how you doin this morning??
feelin better than yesterday??

lil angel...
don't forget to say hi to GOD
ask HIM for the happiness that u want

lil angel...
pray for me to have a better life with u
pray for both of us!!

lil angel..
i love u so much...
you are the only precious thing in my life!!

happiness..oh hapiness

only happiness that i want...but what is happiness anyway???

Happiness (Hap"pi*ness) n.
[From Happy.]

1. Good luck; good fortune; prosperity. "All happiness bechance to thee in Milan!" Shak.
2. An agreeable feeling or condition of the soul arising from good fortune or propitious happening of any kind; the possession of those circumstances or that state of being which is attended enjoyment; the state of being happy; contentment; joyful satisfaction; felicity; blessedness.
3. Fortuitous elegance; unstudied grace; -- used especially of language. "Some beauties yet no precepts can declare, For there's a happiness, as well as care." Pope.

"Happiness motivates all Mankind,
I look within then I find
That Happiness is my State of Mind;
I Am Happiness: I think Happiness"

tears come out!!

aku tau kau tak mau
tapi aku harus
aku tau kau akan berubah
tapi aku ragu itu hanya sementara
aku tau kau akan sakit
begitu juga aku
aku tau kau tak menginginkan perpisahan
begitu pun aku


semua sudah cukup untukku
semua sudah menghilangkan rasa yang seharusnya terus kau jaga
semua telah sirna...karena ulah mu..


hanya ini jalan yang bisa kuberikan!