Monday, December 27, 2004


I know .......avoiding him is not the answer

but at least that what I can do to save everybody

I won't take any message from him but....

maybe later i'll send him a message!! but dont know when!

try to find a perfect word so it won't hurt him

From now on...let me arrange and repair all my life

Let me be a better woman without another man....


send her my warmest she wont take any msgs from me anymore... i love her, still and always will be..............kalo ada apa2...kuping, mulut, tangan, hati dan pikiran aku masih selalu terbuka luas buat dia...kapanpun!!!!...
What a nice word....and i know that from the bottom of someone's deepest heart....
Someone that I respect and someone that I won't hurt !!! If I hurt him now....Don't take it as a wound but take it as a sunshine!! I always pray for his happiness...........

I Cry
One day I met a precious soul
Whos words had touched my heart
His poetry resounded so I
t tone my soul apart
But when I tried my thoughts to speak
Emotion made my mind so weak
And time stood still for years and years I bathed him in my tears
I cried, I tried Tears of joy tears of pain
I cried, I cried Tears of love again and again
Some people turn to pills and things
To help them throught the day
To take them up or down or just
To ease the blues away
But me I really want to feel
The ups and downs of life so real
Happy or sad emotions reign
My tears flow just the same
I cried, I tried Tears of joy tears of pain
I cried, I cried Tears of love again and again
I cried, I tried Tears of joy tears of pain
I cried, I cried Tears of love again and again
Gonna turn so completely I leave no trace
Through so many out there would laugh in my face
For wearing emotion so close to the skin
Condamn me they might it to loves such a sin
I cried, I tried Tears of joy tears of pain
I cried, I cried Tears of love again and again
I cried, I tried Tears of joy tears of pain
I cried, I cried Tears of love again and again

Thursday, December 09, 2004

stuck on you

have u ever stuck when you are in the middle of something???
....Ternyata rasanya ga enak!!! ga keluar segala ide yang harusnya muncul, ga bisa ngerjain apa2, mood juga ilang begitu aja!! God....actually what is wrong with me??. Apa ini kali ya yang di bilang kejenuhan rutinitas, sebenernya sih banyak banget tips untuk kasus ini , but look at me now!!! ga ngaruh kayanya tips2 yang berhamburan di majalah itu!! Anyone got any tips for me??


dalam 1 hari ada 24 jam 1440 menit dan sekian detik.....ah..ngapain sih itung2 waktu segala, tokh mau diapa-apain juga waktu tokh teuteup segitu iya kan???....Tapi udah beberapa hari ini, gw selalu menyesalkan kenapa dalam satu hari cuma ada 24 jam ??, coba kalo lebih dari itu, semua kerjaan kayanya udah bisa di kerjain semua, ga ada lagi yagn ditunda - tunda untuk dikerjain besoknya!!! Fffyyuuuhhh.....Gile ya!! gara-gara too much thing to do akhirnya mau nyuci mobil aja ga sempet....(jangankan cuci mobil ti!! cuci rambut lu aja gak sempet!!!). Entah apa sih yang sebenernya gw kerjain, tapi kok rasanya setiap hari itu waktu berlalu cepet banget!!! Aduh...maaf ya Allah!!! diriku ini cuma bisa mengeluh dan mengeluh aja ya!!! bukannya bersyukur masih dikasih waktu buat bisa nikmatin idup!!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


"cuma fisik kita ti yang terikat sama suami, tapi jiwa dan bathin kita kan masih bisa kemana - mana"
Busyet..kata2 diatas tadi bener2 bikin gw mikir....kata2 yang baru aja di bilang ama seorang temen yang sama2 udah nikah, mantan temen sekantor, semeja malah.....
Bener juga ya apa yang dibilang, makanya ada perselingkuhan, makanya walopun udah nikah teuteup kalo ada yang cakep2 atau cantik mata masih juga jelalatan. Dan walaupun udah nikah kadang ada juga orang- orang yang masih inget sama orang2 yang pernah deket ama dia, mantan misalnya!! Dan memang yang bisa membatasi adalah rasa takut kita sama Allah SWT, kalo ilang rasa takutnya pasti sebuah pernikahan udah ga ada artinya lagi....iya ga sih???

Monday, December 06, 2004


the shadow always blast on that wall
that window always close tightly
the step of the feet disapear lately
the beating of the heart..suddenly stop

gone at once
dissapear and be the wind

gone at twice
flying and be the angel

I always surround u even I'm not real