Monday, April 18, 2005

I'm getting older...
so what have u done for life alti???
regret about the past?? .....maybe....
happy for being who u are now??....maybe....
already got what u want??.....what I want ??......

aahhhh kalo terus jawab pertanyaan semacam itu , hidup ini ga akan pernah ada puas2nya!!! yang pasti di umur baru ini akan lebih banyak CINTA....BERSYUKUR...dan yang penting....BERTOBAT!!! hehheehheeh!!!

Time goes by..
and age goes one...
Time won't wait...
and you still sit...

Go get some move...
get the best for your life..
God is above...

.....Dear Friends....doakan aku dalam setiap langkahmu ya???????